Monday, December 24, 2007

I M P O R T A N T W A R N I NG !

Anyone-using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail with a Power Point presentation ' Life is Beautiful'. If you receive it DO NOT OPEN THE FILE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, and delete it immediately. If you open this file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful.' Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC, and the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password. This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it. The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner.'

Monday, December 17, 2007

Who Will Pay for Global Warming?

Responsibility for global warming is hard to pinpoint. Now the State of California is suing the automobile industry for emissions from its cars. The fundamental question is: Who should pay for the impacts of global warming In 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker struck a reef and spilled more than 450,000 tons (11 million gallons) of crude oil into the Gulf of Alaska. What followed was an unprecedented ecological disaster and a financial fiasco for the oil giant Exxon Mobil (then known as Exxon), which was forced to pay billions in settlements and clean-up costs after courts held it responsible for the damage that the spill caused. Eighteen years later, the State of California is suing some of the world's biggest car manufacturers for the damages that their cars' emissions are said to be causing to the state's economy, environment, and public health. When the lawsuit was filed last autumn, California State Attorney General Bill Lockyer said that emissions from cars made by six companies - General Motors, Ford, Toyota, Chrysler, Nissan, and Honda - accounted for 30 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions in the state. The damages sought by the state would likely reach "hundreds of millions" of dollars, he added.Given the importance of California, the world's eighth-biggest economy, the case's outcome could have a tremendous impact. Lawyer and co-director of the Climate Justice Programme Roda Verheyen considers it "crucial" in shaping the direction for future climate-related legal action internationally. "This is the first case worldwide where the court will have to look at concrete impacts and costs, and then decide whether it will hold the car companies at least partly responsible for those impacts," says Verheyen, who specializes in climate-related law at Hamburg firm Günther Heidel Wollenteit Hack. "It will be extremely closely watched by everyone in the legal profession and the climate community and by governments." Both the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Institute for Legal Reform issued statements against the lawsuit. Institute for Legal Reform President Lisa A. Rickard called the state action "the epitome of a frivolous lawsuit."

What is Global Warming?

Global Warming is defined as the increase of the average temperature on Earth. As the Earth is getting hotter, disasters like hurricanes, droughts and floods are getting more frequent Over the last 100 years, the average temperature of the air near the Earth´s surface has risen a little less than 1° Celsius (0.74 ± 0.18°C, or 1.3 ± 0.32° Fahrenheit). Does not seem all that much? It is responsible for the conspicuous increase in storms, floods and raging forest fires we have seen in the last ten years, though, say scientists Their data show that an increase of one degree Celsius makes the Earth warmer now than it has been for at least a thousand years. Out of the 20 warmest years on record, 19 have occurred since 1980. The three hottest years ever observed have all occurred in the last eight years, even.
Earth should be in cool-down-period:-
But it is not only about how much the Earth is warming, it is also about how fast it is warming. There have always been natural climate changes – Ice Ages and the warm intermediate times between them – but those evolved over periods of 50,000 to 100,000 years.

Courtsy- Allianez

Saturday, December 15, 2007


The Mursi (or Murzu) are a Sub-Saharan African nomadic cattle herder tribe located in the Omo valley in southwestern Ethiopia close to the Sudanese border. The estimated population of the Mursi is around 3900. Surrounded by mountains and three rivers, the home of the Mursi is one of the most isolated region of the country. Their neighbors include the Bodi, the Aari, the Banna, the Kara, the Bumi and the Chai. The Mursi have their own language, also called Mursi. Few are familiar with Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia, and their literacy level is very low. The religion of the Mursi tribe is classified as Animism, although about 15% are Christians. The Mursi women are famous of wearing plates in their lower lips. One of the reasons of this "ornament" is for avoiding to be catched as slaves. These lip discs are made of clay. Girls are pierced in the age of 15 or 16. They remove the plate when eating

ख़ामोश तस्वीर की दर्द भरी आवाज़............

इस तस्वीर को Pulitzer Prize से नवाज़ा जा चुका है। दिल दहला देने वाली ये तस्वीर केविन कार्टर नाम के एक जाने-माने फोटोग्राफर की है। उन्होने ये तस्वीर 1994 मे सूड़ान के भुखमरीग्रस्त इलाके से ली थी, जहां से कुछ दूर यूनाईटेड़ नेशन का फूड़ कैम्प लगा था। इस तस्वीर मे एक बच्चा भूख से बेहाल है और ठीक उसके पीछे बैठा एक गिद्ध उसके मरने का इन्तज़ार कर रहा है ताकि वो उसे अपना भोजन बना सके। इस बच्चे का क्या हुआ ये तो पता नही। लेकिन इस हकीकत को तस्वीर में उतारने वाले केविन से वो नज़ारा भूले नही भूला और उन्होने परेशान होकर तीन महीने बाद आत्महत्या कर ली।